Monster First Birthday Party: DIY Water Bottle Labels

Monster First Birthday Party: DIY Water Bottle Labels


Making these water bottle labels was a little time-consuming, however, they turned out so cute and were one of my favorite touches to the party. If you are looking for a fun DIY to try, I definitely recommend trying these! They will be nice to do for future parties now that I have the technique down. They are waterproof too, which is a bonus!

Supplies Needed:


  • Individual Water Bottles (Make sure your labels will fit the water bottle you choose!)
  • Labels (I purchased mine from Etsy and printed on cardstock at Office Max)
  • ConTact Paper (clear)
  • Scissors
  • Paper Cutter (optional)
  • Packing Tape


1) Remove the labels from your water bottles.

2) Cut out your individual labels. I used a paper cutter (found here), but you could cut them out individually too.


3) Cut out two pieces of ConTact paper that will cover the label. Measure this out using the grid on the back of the ConTact paper and make sure you leave enough room on the edges to that they are sealed. If they aren’t sealed, water and moisture will be able to leak through onto the paper label.



4) Peel the backing off one of the pieces and attach the label to it.


5) Peel the backing off of the second piece and attach to the top of the label. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles.



6) Cut off any excess ConTact paper on the sides. Again, make sure you leave some of an edge, but you don’t need a ton.


7) Wrap the label around the bottle and tap closed using packing tape.



That’s it! Once you get a system down it really isn’t as tedious as it seems, especially if you don’t need to label many bottles. And, because the paper label is covered, you can put these in the fridge and they won’t bleed or be ruined as they get to room temperature.


Hope you have some fun with this!




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Monster First Birthday Party

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