Turning One: Birthday Cake!

Turning One: Birthday Cake!


Madalyn Joy is officially ONE year old! It’s truly unbelievable how quickly a year can pass. I love her so, so much and can not imagine our family without her in it!

When I began to plan Madalyn’s birthday party back in January (yes, seriously, I started planning when she was six months old…can’t be too prepared!), I could not figure out what kind of theme to use. Maddy is only one, and while there are certain things she likes, she’s still really pretty flexible still at this age. The fun thing about that, is that the theme could really be anything!

Ever since I found out we were going to have a baby girl, I was ecstatic! Don’t get me wrong, I would have been just as happy had we had a boy, but growing up with only two sisters made me excited that our first baby was going to be a girl! She could play with my Barbies and dolls and best of all, she could love the color pink just like her mama. And that is what I decided to do for a theme…pink! I officially called the theme, “Pretty in Pink.”

I had a LOT of ideas once I picked the theme! I used Pinterest and my own creativity, to come up with decorations and everything else for the party!

I thought the best place to start the blogging about Maddy’s 1st birthday party, would be the highlight of a 1st birthday party…the cake! I wanted Madalyn to have her own smash cake, and decided to do cupcakes for the rest of the guests. I was able to incorporate the pink theme into the cupcakes and cake, which were delicious! We ordered everything from Miss Kari’s Bakery (www.karisbakery.com).


Look at the excitement in the birthday girl’s eyes!


Yum, frosting!



The cake smash was a success! Maddy enjoyed her cake, and everyone else enjoyed their cupcakes!

More posts to come on this little girl’s very first birthday party!




Looking for more?

Turning One: Pink Candy Buffet

Turning One: DIY Tissue Number “1” Sign

Turning One: Growing Month-By-Month

Turning One: DIY Pink Ruffle Lanterns